Most Effective and Best Hair Loss Treatment For Women

Hair fall can leave us embarrassed many a times. The baldness becomes visible and we try different ways to hide it. Most of the times we are aware of the hair fall, but are helpless to do anything out of it. It leads to stress and depression, which makes it worse . Thus, it is better to take the best help of the hair from the first stage. Hairfall happens due to a few very common reasons like stress, pregnancy hormone changes, environmental factors and more. There could be many reasons for your hair loss and a thorough checkup with your hair specialist will help pin point your hair problem.

Best Hair Loss treatment :

The following are some of the most known reasons for hair fall:

Reasons for hair loss :


There are high chances of your hair fall increasing as you begin ageing. This is a proven fact.The hair starts thinning as the capacity of the body to absorb the nutrients decreases. The body needs 22 amino acids to maintain the growth rate. When the amino acid count decreases, it automatically leads to hair loss. Add nuts, soybeans, fish, lean meat and dairy products to your diet for an increase in amino acids.

Hormonal Change:

The human body is governed by the hormones. Any change in the hormone levels can affect your hair. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are the three important hormones in the female body. The DTH is the byproduct of testosterone hormones. When there is an increase in the DTH level, the female baldness starts occurring. When there is an increase of the male hormones in the body and decrease in the female hormones, an imbalance occurs leading to hair fall. Thus stress must be kept under control. Also if you feel sudden hairfall after childbirth consul your doctor. most of the time the hair grows back naturally.


The baldness can be due to heredity and in such cases treatments are difficult.

Thyroid disorders:

If you are suffering from Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroidism, hair loss is possible. It must be treated by doctor. The medicines must be taken to control these hormones.

Scalp Infections:

If you are suffering from any scalp infection, hair fall will occur. Ringworm is a common fungal infection that can damage your hair to a major extent. Itching can also be a major issue sometimes. Thus, keep your scalp clean.


If you do not add nutrients to your diet, hair loss can be a part of your life. A rich diet is recommended for healthy hair.

The following are some of the best hair loss treatments:

New hair Loss Treatment :

Oil Massage:

The simplest and the most effective hair loss treatment can be massaging your hair. Take the oil of your choice, say olive oil and coconut oil. Warm it up slightly. Dip a cotton ball and apply it on your tresses and scalp. Massage your scalp using your fingertips in circular motion for fifteen minutes. Cover it with shower cap and leave it overnight. Wash it with mild shampoo and condition it. Follow this application thrice a week. The oil massage will increase the blood flow, thereby strengthening the hair and wil prevent them from falling off.

Hair Loss Treatment For Women :


Neem is antiseptic in nature and helps to deal with infections. It has been used since ancient times and is effective in controlling hairfall. It is one of the major ingredient in skin care and hair products in today’s market. Take few neem leaves and wash it off. Set the water to boil and add it to the water. Let the neem leaves boil. Switch off the gas when the water boils and becomes half. Let it cool down. Use this liquid as a final rinse to your hair twice a week. Your hair fall will stop gradually.


Gooseberry is popularly known as Amla in the Indian market. It can be easily purchased from the indian grocery store. Take some dried amla or make some at home. Take half cup of coconut oil and set it to boil. Add the amla to it and set them to boil together. Remove the oil once the colour of the oil completely changes to golden brown. Do not strain it off if you want the amla grains to be there in the oil. Cool it down and use a cotton ball to massage on your hair. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning. You can also make a hair pack by adding amla and shikakai powder together. This will control your hair fall.

Natural hair loss Treatment :


Curd can moisturize your hair and also control the hair fall. It has bacteria that can work wonders for you. Take 1 cup of curd and add 1 teaspoon of black pepper to it. Mix them together. Use a cotton ball to apply the curd on your hair. Leave it till it dries. Rinse it thoroughly with normal water. Shampoo and condition it later. Follow this remedy twice a week and you will see great results on your hair fall.

Aloe Vera:

home remedies to control hairfall 1

Aloe Vera is said to have great powers to control hair fall. It is antioxidant in nature and also has healing properties. You can use exclusive aloe vera hair products or make your own. Pluck a few leaves of aloe vera. Cut it vertically and extract the juice out of it. Store the gel in a bowl. Apply the gel on your scalp and massage gently. Cover it with a shower cap and leave it for an hour or so. Wash it with mild shampoo. Repeat this procedure twice a week to get more benefits. You can also add a pinch of sodium chloride to the aloe vera gel and apply on the scalp. This will cleanse the scalp and control the hair fall.

Women hair Loss Treatment :

Be gentle with your wet hair:

Do not be harsh with your wet hair. Do not use force while towel drying your hair and do not comb hair while it’s still wet. the best method is to let your hair dry naturally . Combing wet hair will break the hair and they will easily fall off. Dry it naturally and comb your tresses.

Stay hydrated:

Tips For Beautiful Skin drink water

The body needs to be hydrated to keep the toxins out. Thus, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water on regular basis. The toxins will be fluched out in the form of sweat and urine.

Avoid hot water:

This is the most common mistake which we make during winters. Hot water baths feel great but are not so great for the health of your hair. The hot water takes away all the moisture from the hair, leaving it dry and damaged. It also leads to hair fall.

Avoid using heat styling products:

We all like to try pretty hairstyles to add different dimensions to our everyday looks but let us not forget the damage caused by these hair styling products. The heat from these electrical gadget will dry the hair follicles leaving it more fragile and weak. Effects of excessive styling will create hair fall.

Reduce caffeine intake:

Caffeine is said to steal the natural nutrients from the body. It is always better to reduce the caffeine intake in your regular life.


The body needs to be physically active to let the toxins out. Sweat helps to throw away the harmful and unwanted toxins from the body. Exercising helps to increase the metabolic rate, thereby releasing the happy hormones in the body. This will promote hair growth in the body.

Trim your tresses:

For healthy hair getting rid from your split ends is a must. Thus, trim your hair once in three months to maintain the health of the hair.

Healthy Diet:

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Diet plays the most important role in the hair fall treatment process. Proteins are a must for hair growth. The hair also needs vitamins and minerals for the growth. Thus, eating fresh food and keeping a check on the essential components will definitely prevent the hair fall.

Hope this article had been useful to you. These simple hair fall treatment have great records of being effective since the ancient times. They are time consuming but are worth of your time. They are less expensive when compared to artificial products and are easily available in your kitchen.They do not have any side-effects and are natural. These treatments are recommended only in the beginning stage of the hair fall problem. However if you have severe hair fall, do consult a doctor or seek a professional help.

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